p. 212:
If 4 be subtracted from a father's age, the remainder will be thrice the age of the son; and if 1 be taken from the son's age, half the remainder will be the square root of the father's age. Required the age of each.
Math and Science in History and Culture
If 4 be subtracted from a father's age, the remainder will be thrice the age of the son; and if 1 be taken from the son's age, half the remainder will be the square root of the father's age. Required the age of each.
There was a May-Pole which consisted of three pieces of Timber, of which the first (or lowermost) was 13 foot long, the third (or uppermost piece) was as long as the lowermost piece, and half the middle piece; and the middle piece was as long as the uppermost and lowermost together: How high was this May-Pole, and how long each piece?
One reason I love these old word problems is that they raise so many other questions than what "it is required to find." For example...
A labourer engaged to serve for 40 days upon these conditions, that for every day he worked he was to receive 20 d. but for every day he played, or was absent, he was to forfeit 8 d. now at the end of the time he had to receive 1 l. 11 s. 8 d. it is required to find how many days he worked, and how many he was idle.