Thursday, February 3, 2011

Word Problem of the Week: French Degrees

I was telling the students the other day how dividing a circle into 360 pieces is a bit arbitrary. In fact, it comes from the Babylonians, and it could have been different. There is nothing special about 360.

The French, it turns out, actually did propose a different system of angular measure: one in which the fundamental unit was one percent of a right angle. Thus there are four hundred of them in one full revolution.

I remember years ago I saw a calculator with the familiar "degrees" and "radians" settings but also something called "gradians." This is the name for the "French Degrees." They are also called "grades" in a lot of old textbooks. I personally like what I called them in class, which is "People's Revolutionary Degrees."

Anyway, there seems to have been some confusion as to whether gradians were actually ever used. Some are of the opinion that the unit was "frequently used in France and ocasionally elsewhere" whereas others are convinced that they were not.

I suspect they must have been, because it is otherwise difficult to explain the enthusiasm shown for the French Degrees by a certain Mr. Isaac Todhunter. His trigonometry text is full of strange abstract problems involving equivalencies between the English and French units. Fairly typical is this one:
Divide two-thirds of a right angle into two parts, such that the number of degrees in one part may be to the number of grades in the other part as 3 to 10.
This combines the slightly obscure and uncommonly used unit with the proportionality question so common in 18th and 19th century texts to produce a masterpiece of bizarre irrelevance. Really, this is an interesting puzzle, but trig texts are usually much more practical than this.

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